At 107 years, the best birthday present she could ask for.

Johanna Kelly, resident of Doutta Galla Avondale Heights, recently celebrated her 107th birthday in the company of her daughter, grandchildren, friends and fellow residents. A grand affair was held in honour of this grand dame.

Mrs Kelly has been living at the Avondale Heights facility for the past four years and is described as a much loved member of the Avondale Heights community by Doutta Galla Chief Executive Officer, Mark Anderson.

Good things come to those who wait seems the best way to describe Mrs Kelly’s life. A passionate Collingwood supporter, she has waited 20 years to see the Magpies take home another trophy, although, nothing will ever compare to the six year wait for her fiancé to return from World War II, after he was held as a prisoner of war on the Greek island of Crete.While some of us would probably have despaired and given up hope, Mrs Kelly kept her mind of things by staying busy working at different guest houses, helping others until her husband walked back off the boat and home.

Over the years, Mrs Kelly has stayed healthy and fit through gardening, walking and keeping an optimistic outlook on life. And if you are having a bad day, she recommends a good movie or some retail therapy!

Mrs Kelly grew up in Victoria’s south-western town of Koroit and, once married, moved to Lilydale. At the age of 97, she left her Lilydale home and moved into a retirement village before moving to Doutta Galla Avondale Heights four years ago, at the age of 103. She is now the most senior resident to ever reside in a Doutta Galla aged care facility.

Doutta Galla is a well managed aged care provider employing an experienced team of nurses and carers. The organisation delivers consistent, high quality care and a broad range of accommodation options designed with resident comfort and individual needs in mind. Recognised for programs of diverse lifestyle activities, Doutta Galla listens to residents and families, providing welcome support, advice and opportunities to get the most out of life.

Ellis Jones created a media release and took photos on the day which were sent to the local papers in the Avondale Heights area, and was featured in the Moonee Valley Leader and the Moonee Valley Weekly.