Citywide branching out to Arborists.

Citywide is a major Australian physical services company providing civil infrastructure, open space and environmental services to government and private enterprise. The company has grown significantly over the years, expanding to bases in Sydney and Canberra as well as its original hub, Melbourne.

Citywide Open Space is responsible for maintaining many of Australia’s most prominent parks and gardens. From shaping world heritage listed Carlton Gardens and Government House in Melbourne to creating the spectacular Sydney Living Colour displays, Citywide Open Space is Australia’s leader in innovative, sustainable garden design and management.

This year Citywide has embarked on a new journey aiming to attract qualified overseas arborists to our sunny Australian shores with the help of the Ellis Jones online engagement practice. We’re utilising social media research and strategy to map the online activity of prospective employees and referring groups, placing content in networks to drive interest in a website specifically designed to appeal to arborists.

Australia is currently experiencing a skills shortage of arborists and forecasting the growth rates of Citywide, many arborists are being sought overseas to ensure we have the adequate skill levels here at home. Stay tuned for launch day!

To utilise Ellis Jones’ engagement strategy for your business, contact us here.