Does your logo past the test?

With the world having never ending access to the web and all its content, it becomes increasingly important to have a successful web presence. How does your brand stand out from everyone else’s? Step one is a magnetic and unique logo. How does your’s stand up to the logo test?

Logos are used to identify a company’s brand. Paul Rand (pictured), iconic logo designer (IBM, ABC, UPS), could not have said it better, when he said, “a logo is a flag, a signature, an escutcheon, a street sign. A logo does not sell (directly), it identifies. A logo is rarely a description of a business. A logo derives meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around. A logo is less important than the product it signifies; what it represents is more important than what it looks like. The subject matter of a logo can be almost anything.”

You can read all about Paul Rand and other famous iconic logo designers here.

A successful logo is one that encapsulates fundamental design and branding rules; it is carefully considered and well thought out.  So does your logo past the test?

These are some important rules we apply here at Ellis Jones when designing a logo for a client.

A brand must:

  • Be original in its field/market
  • Be relevant
  • Have immediate impact
  • Typography should work separately to icon
  • Typography should suit the icon
  • Be recognisable even when it is small
  • Not be over complex
  • Not rely on colour for its effect
  • Be versatile in its application
  • Embody the brand
  • Be memorable
  • Be timeless

Development of a logo is a strategic process as much as it is an artistic process. As a result we match a brand strategist with  a designer to ensure the brand essence and associations, and its personality elements, flow through to the logo design. Once you have chosen a logo, you’re going to have it a long time. Better make sure it inspires customers and employees in the right ways.

Ellis Jones has produced a range of logotypes for clients – check out some case studies. Contact us to learn more about our methodology.

image credit : Orlando Aquije