Right now is a time of change for all aged care providers, with the move to consumer directed care and changing demographics it imperative to know where you stand.
Introducing Ellis Jones’ residential aged care market economic analysis. Let us help you understand your market better to enhance facility and portfolio performance.
Key benefits of our service include:
- Understand your competitive advantage
- Anticipate market growth
- Financial performance
- Portfolio review
Improve your branding and marketing position, maximise operating revenue and fine tune capital funding.
Know your location and catchment areas, including all competitors and planned developments.
Reports produced by Ellis Jones are based on the relevant residential aged care market, and a desktop assessment of relevant location, demand and supply characteristics of its catchment area.
Presented professionally in formats that enable easy cognition and replication in further company reporting.
Ellis Jones has a depth of expertise in aged care and property market analysis, and our team comprises economists, analysts and econometricians.
Our modular approach is flexible, cost effective and powerful.
At Ellis Jones, we’ve been around for seven years, growing steadily through our work and the intellectual property we have developed in the aged care sector. We undertake our own research in collaboration with industry partners, constantly build on existing knowledge and apply this to marketing strategy development and implementation.