Less Talk. More Zen.

In the lead up to December, we sat down and talked about what kind of Christmas we would like to have this year. The sentiment was that we all just had so much going on and we felt that we didn’t have enough time to fit everything in.

We love the flurry of activity, Christmas parties and the chance to catch-up with colleagues, clients and partners, family and friends. This year however, we thought that it would be nice to stay free-of-stress and really enjoy the Christmas period and all that it stands for. Christmas is a time regenerate, reconnect with loved ones, reflect on the year and start the year afresh.

During the year, our usual message is ‘People Talk’. When people talk, magnificent things happen. Partnerships form. Synergies materialise. Reputations grow. But this Christmas we wish you ’Less Talk. More Zen’.

Stress is a creativity killer. So let’s regenerate.

Let’s start 2015 with style, bringing brand new, creative ideas to the table. Let’s take what we have learned from 2014 and innovate, improve and grow.

Each day of December until Christmas Day, we will post a picture of Santa performing different yoga poses on our social media pages.

Here is the collection of 25 yoga poses for the 25 days of Christmas.

Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages or the hashtag #LessTalkMoreZen to see Santa in action.

Thanks to our creative partner Anastacia for the design and our friend Nickie from Disco Yoga for your stunning poses.

From the team at Ellis Jones, we wish you a calm and relaxing break. See you in 2015!