How old is old?

When I joined the gym at the end of last year  I was given the opportunity to find out my bio age. That is, the same test they do on The Biggest Loser contestants to find out how much older the body was in comparison to their numerical age. I was very relieved when it turned out that my bio age was only one year older than my numerical age. But, it got me thinking, how do we measure age and how old is old?

Take our family friend Tryggve. He’s lived a good life. Working for a large telecommunications company, he has lived in pretty much every part of the world and has some amazing stories to tell. Aged around 60-65, some would probably consider him old. After all, he is of retiring age.

But, truth be told, despite my (maybe not so great) efforts at the gym, he is probably fitter than I am. Sure, his bio and numerical age is still probably greater than mine but does that mean I could out-run him? Or more specifically outswim him?

Probably not. Trygge is part of Caloundra’s “The Stunned Mullets”- a tight-knit male swimming group that meets at daybreak every morning (even in winter) to body surf and ocean swim. So popular is their group that Channel 10 came out just before Christmas to acknowledge these “oldies”. And you have to admit, he cuts a mean figure in those azure budgie smugglers!

So while you watch their report, maybe have a think about what ‘old’ actually means? Can it really be defined as someone over 60?

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you reach Australia’s older population more effectively. More about our Health & Ageing practice including case studies here.