The purpose of having a PR and marketing blog is that content in the form of blog articles can be used as bait to direct traffic to your site. If blog articles are bait, social media and online platforms are fishing rods, the fish are potential clients and collaborators.
Correct use of Twitter is a great way to increase web traffic to your site. Use it to disseminate tiny bits of bait (in 140 characters or less) that link back to your website or blog. That’s the easy part. The hard part is encouraging visitors to stay on the site and get lost down the rabbit-hole of content you’ve carefully curated for them. Not so hard if you have compelling content.
Below is a list of blog posts that attracted the most activity on our site.
Top 10 most engaging EJ blog posts of all time:
Let the research tell the story on Australian social media use
Bridge or barrier? Tele-health and the aged care sector.
Designing an annual report with infographics.
Social media use among the aged has risen dramatically.
The nature of health information online.
Dynamic logotyping and the future of visual identity.
Gamestorm your way through your next planning session.
Designing an annual report with infographics.
Hauling social media butt the Michelle Bridges way.