Introducing : new Ellis Jones Twitter communications, Facebook and Pinterest.

Social media avenues such as Twitter and Facebook, are professional tools that any organisation with a pulse should have on their online toolbelt. We spend a lot of our time helping others foster their online presence and build their communities, but what about our online efforts?

Below is some information and links to help you find us out there.

We’ve been active on Twitter for the past year or so, tweeting and sharing under the @EllisJonesLive moniker about, well anything and everything to do with our specific areas of expertise. And as our health and ageing clients, practice and knowledge is expanding with each passing week, we’ve noticed our tweets have become increasingly crammed with health, aged care and ageing hashtags. So much so, we’ve found it necessary to launch a Twitter feed dedicated solely to the health and ageing sector.

>> Follow us at @EJHealth_Ageing for all health and ageing related conversations.

For communications beyond the 140 character limit, our steadily growing Facebook page is regularly updated and includes additional content, imagery and events for all to see, share and comment on. As Facebook constantly evolves and changes to suit its audience, so do we.

>> Like us at

The ‘buzz’ social media platform of 2012 is Pinterest. We’ve blogged about it. So has everyone else. A virtual pinboard, Pinterest is proving to be a brilliant way of showcasing, organising and sharing infographics, photos, artworks and other visual mediums.

>> See our pinboards at

Ellis Jones knows online spaces. Join us.