Market research and strategy for Peninsula Health.

Some case studies just shouldn’t be buried in the website …!

With close to 800 beds, public health group Peninsula Health provides a wide range of services from obstetrics to aged care, rehabilitation, emergency and intensive care, oncology, psychiatric services and Hospital in the Home (HITH). It was metropolitan health service of the year in 2007 and 2009.

In July 2010, Ellis Jones was commissioned by Peninsula Health to undertake an in-depth market research and marketing strategy project for its MEPACS personal alarm service.

Our consultants completed a literature review before finalising a research methodology and programming telephone surveys of target groups: seniors and carers. While that work was being completed we completed over 50 in-depth telephone interviews with senior representatives of industry groups and private companies.

The project yielded a strong understanding of the emotional and functional drivers for selecting an alarm service, paths to purchase and barriers to uptake. As our consultants represented the group in contacting key industry figures, it also established important lines of communication for future exploration.

The project is aimed for completion at the end of August 2010.

It’s been a major effort from 6 of our team members – and the resulting insight has been worth every minute.

image credit: Sophia Jones