Saving time, by spending time together.

Face to face meetings are expensive. Time, travel and hours better spent doing the mountain of work piled up at your desk.
But how is this work done most effectively? By collaborating with unknown entities or those familiar to us, trust worthy and are more than a voice at the end of the phone?

Relationships can be developed online, but like any relationship confined to the digital space, the depth of  the working relationship can limited. These are relationships often based largely based around action items, deliverables, and project timelines.

Spending time together, face to face with your team,  clients and/or suppliers can change the entire dynamic of a working relationship. It is an opportunity to go beyond task-oriented emails and small talk about the weather and allowing us to connect on a human level through shared experiences, common goals and even with a few laughs along the way. Through this we build appreciation and trust and understand that more often than not, our intent to do our best is a shared purpose.

Great work is done on the foundation of strong relationships. Digital communications speed up our transactions but face to face time is critical to make sure the day to day transactional work is done effortlessly.

Here are some recent snap shots of some great team time spent in Warburton with one of our client’s at the Ellis Jones retreat in Warburton. A great place to take a breath, get to know each other and be inspired to do great things.