More than tinsel.

With the festive season upon us, there is no doubt we are entering a saturated market of jovial e-cards,  festive mail outs and boxed up treats that appear to creep into the office without you even realising.

Before we know it, our desks are snowed under with Christmas cheer so much so that it is hard for our own marketing work to rise above the noise.

So how do we make our message heard amongst a chorus of carols? Or do we simply play the Grinch and be completely devoid of all Christmas cheer?

The key here is to embrace the environment in which we are in. December is about celebration, so it’s time to celebrate your brand and the achievements made throughout the year. If representing several brands, emphasise the achievements made collaboratively.

The key is to start early. Despite the advent calendar clock, the Christmas period doesn’t begin on December 1st.  Getting in early with your Christmas content strategy will ensure your business has enough time to think about optimal ways to perform as well as undergo pre-testing of these ideas before the busy season begins. Determining your content or campaign strategy early maximises your consumer reach and allows for any adjustments to be made. Much like returning presents!

In addition, no one likes a thoughtless gift so make sure your content is something your customers would want to receive. Put special thought into your content, keeping seasonal information to a minimal if it is not the core purpose of your message. If your message is holiday specific, add something unique like a keyword or tagline that will make your message shine brighter than all the other Christmas stars out there!

This is where the idea of celebration comes in. As mentioned, the holiday season doesn’t necessarily mean Christmas. Focus on other messages such as celebrating your organisations achievements for the year. These types of messages can be just as uplifting as any Christmas carol.

Finally, optimize your social media use more than ever at this time. Chances are your audiences are lying on a beach somewhere or enjoying a roast dinner. They’re unlikely to be glued to their computers but that’s not to say they won’t have their smart phones on them, merrily snapping their latest Chrissy pics. Engage with your audience by actively preparing your social media strategy prior to the holiday season. Chances are they are sneaking in a few emails or twitter updates post Christmas lunch so be ready for them to meet your message.