Acting as a filter online.

Have you been reading our specialised content feed for the health and aged care sector?

We know health and aged care. Our online communications centre around providing useful, timely and topical information that our experienced consultants have either created themselves, or our savvy online community manager has scoured the interwebs to find – so that you don’t have to. We endeavour to bring you the most relevant content on health and ageing so you can get on with your own ‘to-do’ list and let us be your ‘filter’ to the constant noise online.

Our top 10 tweets for the month of April highlight social media use to reduce social isolation, recruit staff and the latest health and ageing sector news. If you missed ’em – here they are for your reading and sharing pleasure.

  1. Interesting ideas from @JohnNosta on #hcsm & #pharma [READ]: Digital Health: Will Pharma Follow or Lead?  via @Forbes
  2. In cased you missed it, here’s a piece on the implications of consumer directed care  #CDC #agedcare
  3. CALD community sets up online network  via @AustAgeAgenda #CALD #online
  4. An interview with an older internet whizz #socialisolation #ageing #online
  5. Boomers demand more from aged care  via @AustAgeingAgenda #agedcare #ageingpopulation
  6. Aged care is topping the list of ‘in demand’ jobs for skilled & unskilled workers in Sydney  #agedcare
  7. Grants offered to employers encouraging recruitment & retention of mature age workers  #CorporateChampions @olderworkers
  8. Small businesses to prosper from retirement of baby boomer generation in the next decade  via @TheAge #ageing
  9. Backlash on $1.2bn aged-care wage deal  via @TheAustralian #agedcare
  10. Great read via @AustAgeAgenda on cyber safety for older people  #olderpeople #online

Don’t forget to check out our specialised health & ageing Twitter feed @EJHealth_Ageing and follow us to stay in the loop.