A digital impact report  supporting ARC Justice to end the cycle of injustice in regional Victoria.

Learn more about this project


ARC Justice is a rights-based, for-purpose organisation providing legal and tenancy support services. It incorporates the Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre in Bendigo, Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre in Shepparton and Housing Justice, a specialist renter’s rights service, working across central and northern Victoria.

ARC Justice provides people-centred services, education, engagement and advocacy, with 65 employees working at an individual, community and policy level to create fairer access to justice and break the spiral of injustice.

The organisation is funded by state and federal governments, as well as philanthropic organisations; all of which increasingly require validation of impact in a challenging fiscal environment.

To meet significant and increasing community needs, ARC Justice sought to define, evaluate and report its impact.


Ellis Jones worked with the Strategy and Impact team to design and develop a digital impact report, including providing support and advice on structure, content and articulation of impact concepts.

The work comprised:

  • Bringing the theory of change, strategy focus areas, and cycle of injustice artefacts together, to support understanding by diverse target audiences.
  • Developing a visual identity for the impact report that referenced the ARC Justice brand identity while using colour and graphics to codify impact domains.
  • UX, navigation and visual design to optimise user access, inclusivity and wayfinding
  • Website development of an interactive impact report.
  • Supporting ARC Justice to host the digital report on the impact.arcjustice subdomain.



The digital impact report has transformed the way in which ARC Justice is reaching and communicating with its stakeholders.

With thoughtful UX and editorial restraint, the report is highly inclusive and accessible. It is also an ‘always-on’ source of content for use in communications, grant submissions and stakeholder engagement

With data, succinct information and case study storytelling, the report accurately articulates the case for change in the Victorian legal and intersecting systems.

The digital impact report has drawn widespread praise and support since launch.

ARC Justice will use the report and artefacts to:

  • Establish and communicate the impact of its services and people.
  • Strengthen the business case for investment in community legal services and system change in budget and other funding submissions.
  • Celebrate the impact of ARC Justice employees who work to achieve the purpose of: rights are known and acted upon, and communities are fairer.
  • Build recognition of the ARC Justice brand and purpose as it extends its reach and unites its service divisions.

Visit: impact.arcjustice.org.au



    case study digital impact report for arc-justice

    “The report elegantly distils our work and reflects the considerable effort invested by our team to reach this milestone in our impact journey. The dedication and creativity of the Ellis Jones team helped transform our complex initiatives into an engaging narrative and the positive feedback we’ve received is a testament to its success.”

    Kate Clohesy, Director of Strategy and Impact, ARC Justice

    case study digital impact report for arc justice
    case study digital impact report for arc justice
    case study digital impact report for arc justice