Signalling intent for Victoria’s model regulator of the built environment.

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The Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV) protects the public interest by instilling confidence in the regulation, integrity and delivery of professional services of architects in Victoria.

ARBV engaged Ellis Jones’ Design Studio to oversee the creative direction and production of their annual report to better reflect the strategic intent of the organisation: to be a model regulator for the Victorian built environment.


The design and delivery of the 2018/19 ARBV Annual Report required Ellis Jones to employ disciplinary knowledge in design, communications and social impact. Taking advantage of the highly visible platform to underline performance with purpose. This involved:

  • Positioning the document as a statement of organisational intent to both Architect and Government stakeholders
  • Using statutory reporting structures to create the opportunities to impart narratives
  • Evolving and expanding a legacy visual identity system, to meet the needs of varied content types and depths
  • Driving an editorial approach to typography, to break dense reporting into intelligible, relevant ‘chunks’ of information
  • Using the document format and page structure to establish the information hierarchies for diverse audiences


This project has:

  • Visualised a ‘new phase’ for ARBV, the organisational vision and mission
  • Continued the current evolution of ARBV organisational identity into a clear, contemporary and functional visual system
  • Delivered a statement to the Victorian Architectural community by the intelligent application of materiality, form and design rigour

As a result of the success of the 2018/19 Annual Report, ARBV invited Ellis Jones back to design their 2019/20 Annual Report.