Helping Indigenous Australians reduce the spread of HIV with technology and behaviour change communications.

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Nationally collated data acknowledges that Indigenous Australians STI rates are far higher than the wider population in syphilis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis and Chlamydia. The higher rate has been persistent.


With joint venture partner, Hello World, Ellis Jones was engaged by AFAO to develop a web-based application linked to SMS functionality and a supporting communication campaign to achieve a reduction in the transmission of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and to improve the overall health outcomes of young Indigenous Australians.


Central to the initiative was the ability for people who had been diagnosed with HIV to send an anonymous text message to known sexual partners encouraging them to get tested. A website provided factual information and referral pathways for all target audiences. Cards and posters were distributed to clinics and outreach services to raise awareness of the initiative – in urban, regional and rural areas.